Everything in school was so bored today! BORING!! arghh! yayen n i were walkin all over around the corridoors during the first two free lesson! haha hahaha but. i feel like more miserable n looks like one of those lepak-ers lorh. sighs. Cause most of the students + teachers went down to the school hall for the Japanese Exchange Programme thingys ma. T-T Man. Japanese guys and girls are so cute! ahyer! jealousy me =( oh yeah. went to Times Square after school with mom to watch movie - Kungfu Sweetheart. N GUESS WHAT. I hide myself when i saw two girls wearing ssg's uniforms walkin up from the stairs. (ahahahahaha! i looked super messy that time) and guess who are they. Jia Qi and Vivian! hahaha oh my. Mom and i laughed super loud in the cinema. again haha but Shopahotics and Kungfu Mahjong II is better. Kungfu Majong is the best! hahaha (L) I remember when i was watching KF that time, i laughed until my pants almost dropped hahahaha shhh and my mom laughed until her tears also come up when the part we saw that guy actin like RAIN hahahaha =D
I hate people who always jugde people with their
looks only. VERY argh! haha Eventhough some of them who are older then i am, or us, also like to talk bad about others at the back of someone's. Even some of the adults with no morals are doing the same thing as we (teenagers) do. =p It's like so yer. haha disgusting and busy body. I remembered when i was young, my grandpa heard our conversation between me and cousins. he straight away slapped all of us! oh man. i cant forget about that. PRETTY? so ? got attitude anot ? UGLY? kind hearted is enough for everything. =) Almost everyone, boys + girls like to judge people WITH THE COVER only lorh. Sighs Another type of people i hated. hmm. People who play with friendships.
Many people asked me the same question lately.
Anonymous 1: How come you and __________ din hang out already?
Anonymous 2: You guys fight?
Anonymous 3: WHY WHY WHYYYYY?
Sighs. I also dont know leh seriously. But i'm not that kind of person who dont care bout friendship loh. We're just like nothing much to say like last time adey T-T But i still love you guys de! <3 <3 <3
okay enough of my complicated an cacat problems. I hate those sad stuff T-T It's like so stress for me. I prefer to be a simple girl with innocent minds lorh. haha (oh no. Im not) But, i'm not blamming everything now la! I got so many friends now who loves me! * hahahaha perasan!* I appriciate everything you guys gave me. Honestly. ;P Yup, so if some of you dont like me cause i'm
lc , or anything else, haha i dont care. I am me, myself & I. I wont force you to like or love me right! ahaha damn.. (is not a good word - Miss Khoo) okay . ^^
I LOVE ALL OF YOU! ~ nites