Friday, May 23, 2008

I am back again!

With the dark eye bags!

My life is back again. No more exams after 2 stressing week! Omg first time have exam for so long! With super duper lotsa subject! Wanna cry also no tears man. I wonder what will be my reaction be when I got my results after this holiday! Hopefully got good news! I don't dare to study last minute already now. Sooooooooooooooo stress its crazy I tell you! I only spent like 3 days to suck all the history notes into my brain, did add maths questions frequently but still like dunno what only, the saddest thing is that no matter how much I studied for Physics, I still cannot manage to understand that subject. Wtf wtf. I think I'm gonna fail for it! Hmmm hmmm what else. Oh yeah! Biology is a pain in the ass. Its so hard that I feel like screaming when I'm doing the paper. So does maths! I never thought Maths will be that hard! Urghhhhhh. So conclusion is,

Hahahhaha. I wrote it today during Bio exam and showed everyone. Then they laughed! Tsk tsk.

Just before exam! All berpura-pura and pan sai yeh! It won't happen after exam one!

Anyways don't care so much anymore! Now is definitely drama marathon time! And and manicure time! TEE HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. =D =D Thank god got 2 weeks holiday now. would seriously appreciate this holiday a lot! By the way, I'm going back to Kuantan this weekend! Ahhh. Miss all my baby cousins and and my grandma and aunty's delicious dishes!! Mmmmmmmmmm.

Sigh. I think I needa go on a diet again. I went to Mandy's house yesterday and her grandma and mom said I gained weight. but seriously I did. Thanks to the stupid exam study time! I needa munch things when I study and it's not a good thing! Thats why I gain weight during exams while other people lose weight due to the pressure and stress! T_____________T

Tagged by Kenny.


1. Cheated on someone?
Stupid question. I don't believe that anyone never cheat before! Those who say they never cheat or lie before are cheating when they say they don't! But when I'm in a relationship with someone then i won't cheat lah. What's the point having someone that you cheat right? =D

2. Fallen off the bed?
No. It might cause earthquake! The China's earthquake is a very good example. Omg anyways, it's a really bad bad tragedy man. So many people die T-T And I heard that the world is gonna end soon. Sigh sigh why so fast?! Not this time when I'm still 16!

3. Broken someone's heart?
Yeah. What makes you think that I am a good girl?

4. Had your heart broken?
Yeah. But it healed already! =)

5. Had a dream come true? :
If my hips bone will get smaller one day, then it's a dream come true!!

6. Done something you regret?
The current one? Studying last minute for mid year exam!


1. Wearing?
Nothing! Hahahah! Naw just joking. Of course I'm wearing something! Don't think dirty!

2. Like anyone?
I'm not quite sure. What do you think? =P

3. Have any piercings?
Only the ears. Not allowed to pierce anywhere else. But I don't think I will. It hurts crazy! I wonder how those people pierce their private parts! My godddddd.

4. Drive?
You mean the real car? Hahahha. Not yet! One more year to go! Ahhhh I can't wait!

5. Ever Smoked?
No. Never ever will! Don't suck nicotine into your lung people!

6. Tattoos?
The fake ones! The one with stickers you know? Or those impermanent one! Tee hee!


1. Hugged?
You really really wanna know??

2. Kissed?
Not telling! =p =p

3. IMed?
Meh lei geh?

4. Talked on the phone to?
Guess who called me?! WHO? Lee Hom!

5. Yelled at?
My mom! Cuz she yelled at me first! Omg dunno what happen to her hormones sometimes! I yelled " I NEVER YELLED ALSO" to her when she's asking why I yelled. Hahhhaha. Wth right. =S


1. What do you/did you want to be when you finish(ed) school?
A successful housewife! Hahahahha! You really believe?? if yes also I won't be studying now already lah right crazy one! I don't need History, Physics, Chemistry, Biolody, Add Maths to be a mom or wife! I wanna do something really fun that can earn alot of money. Can arh? NOT PROSTITUTE OKAY YOU PERVERTS!

2. What has been the best day of your life?
Hmmm. I don't know. Cuz there's too many best day for me already!

3. What comes first in your life?
Family and friends!

4. What are you most scared of?
Tickle! Oh shit! Why did I tell you that!

5. What do you usually think about before you go to bed?
About what to do the next day! Or something special happened on that day itself.

6. Did you lose someone you really loved?
Are my exs counted?


1. Movie:
The current one? What happens in Vegas! I tell you the movie is very very nice! So if you guys haven't watch it, go watch it NOW! It's very funny and interesting!

2. Song :
Most probably those songs which brings me energy like dance beats or good lyrics.

3. Ice Cream Flavor : Almost all Haagen Darz's flavour except those sorbet or yogurt type. Baskin Robin's Pistachio, New Zealand Natural's Bonsenberry Dreams, the ice cream outside Ikea, Aiya got alot lah! I love all kinds besides those sorbets ones.

4. Fruit :
Mango, grapes, pear, sweet strawberry, blueberry, so much more.

5. Candy :
Chocolate please! I'm fine with candy too. somehow I'm a sweet tooth. =S

6. Day of the Week :

7. Color :
The colour of purple! All kinds of purple! But not the dark ones. Others will be white, pink, baby blue and blank.


1. Like to give hugs?
Of course. And receive hugs! It's like the best feeling ever.

2. Like to walk in the rain?
Not really. Haha. It will ruin my good hair day!

3. Prefer black or blue pens?

4. Like to travel?
Who doesnt?!

5. Sleep on your side?
Of course I sleep on my side! What question is this!

6. Have a goldfish?
I have a whale!

7. Ever have the falling dream?
Yesssss. But rarely lah.

8. Have stuffed animals?
Ermm. I don't buy them. Normally people give one! =D


1. Pierced nose or tongue?
None! I don't wanna look like a cow! No offense to those people who pierce their noses! And I don't wanna pierce my tongue either! What's that for? I heard people actually play with the ring when they kiss. Yeeee yerrrrr.

2. MTV or BET? :

3. 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek?
I hardly watch English movie series! Or are those English movie series?! Hahahah. I never heard of it!

4. Sugar or salt?
Sugar, spice and everything nice!

5. Silver or gold?

6. Chocolate or flowers?
chocolates! But all girls love flower! So both! TEE HEE.

7. Color or Black-and-white photos?
Color ones.

8. M&Ms or skittles?

9. Stay up late or sleep in?
It depends! If it's holiday it's very hard for me to sleep early! But stay up late is bad for health though! So how!

10. Hot or cold?

11. Ketchup or mustard?
Mayo. That's why I'm so fat T-T

12. Spring or Fall?

13. Happy or sad?
Of course happy lah! I'm not emo okay!

14. Wonder or amazement?
Isn't it almost the same? When you wonder only got amazement what!

15. Mexican or italian food?
Indian food! Hahahha I mean italian food!

16. O.C. or Laguna Beach?
Laguna Beach because I like beach!

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