I know everyone is waiting for the IFF post more but I would still like to post about the teachers' day post first! Just because I wanna make everyone excited for the post. Tee hee. I know you guys are! Everyone was asking why I haven't blog about it yet! Truth is, I wanna tempt more readers to come! Wahahahhaha! Evil I know! I know you will still come back no matter what one right? RIGHT?
ok lah. Don't X the window first. I'll start being nice and blog about the teachers' day now. =)
So I did say, I was the one who gonna play the piano during the opening ceremony right. Okay, the feeling was crazy. Both of my hands are so cold until it feels like I'm dead already. Urgh. I was so nervous, but I didn't screw the song I know. Did I? Okay right? Aiya anyways, it was too noisy lah only some of them heard only. Tell me how was it okay! I lost my feeling by that moment so I don't know! =S
Warmly welcoming the teachers with candles as I was playing . Hahhaha.
*self clapping for myself* Hahahhaha. See I looked so constipated after the whole thing!
In front of so many people okay! Not bad hor. Hahahhaa.
As the teachers are singing,
We camwhore! Hahahha.
The Super Star Interview Production. And of course he's my superstar! <3 My darling number 3! Here comes the game Deru time!
The lucky ones who get to play the game.
Go go go! Hahaha. They ask funny questions like what's Mr Khaw's secretary name, how many toilets are there in the academic block, how much does the food cost in canteen, and the funniest ever question is,
The final winner of the game. =)
Punishments for the one who didn't win. =)
Teacher's gift. =)
This picture is so cute! Say yes!
And this picture is so funny! Guess who's butt is that? =) Naughty Zhao, I tell your wife!
The dancing game competition. Omg funniest part ever. I have the video. Very funny! You see our teachers can dance, not only students!
Some other performances on that day:
Peter & Alex singing frying without wings!
Saiful singing some Malay song. He has a dreamy voice, I like. =D
Mandy playing Claudine! =)
The prefects are singing now! Look! My lou poh and the Ah Lian is there! Tee hee!
End of the ceremony. Some of them went up and got high together! I wanted to but no one wants to accompany me! Tsk!
It's Party Time after the ceremony!
Mr Khaw celebrated with our class! =)
Hahahah. Priceless picture! Mr Khaw and I with all the indian teachers in SG. The hiding one is Mr Rama! Hahahah! =) I know Zhao loves this picture! Right right! Hehe.
The Food and Beverage
And the people in class!
Our favourite add math teacher! And why is Olivia here. Rawrrrrrrr.
My Ah Lian Michelle *hearts*
In case you're wondering, yes, the shadow is ghosty Ass. I mean Cass! Hahahha!
Will update about the IFF soon! Be patient! Loves Xoxoxo
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