Saturday, August 22, 2009


omg I just came back from watching the world most scariest horror movie T______________T It's so scary until I dont dare to sleep alone tonight wtf and I'm officially scared of any girl who name is Esther now . Damn freaking scary okay!!!! My heart is still beating very rapidly now hahahaha More scary than driving in a busy road okay wtf anyways leave the driving story aside first!!! GO WATCH ORPHAN IF YOU WANT TO GET SOME EXCITEMENT DURING THE HOLIDAY!!!! I watched it during midnight summore ! worst experience ever!!! Can someone like talk to me now during this hour???? It's 2 in the morning hahahaha I'm so scared and lonely right now wtf HAHAHA another esther!! I dont think anyone will dare to adopt an orphan after watching this movie lor! And the movie reminded me someone a lot!!!! DAMN FREAKY LAHHHHHHHHH AIYERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

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