Most Memorable Experience Ever
After a long night out, the girls spent the night chatting away until 3 in the midnight. (as usual) We didn't just chat, we shouted extremely loud until Mun's mom came into our room during midnight. ahahaha we played until "battery low" only puas hati to go to bed even we knew that we have a secret plan early in the next morning, which is , HILL TREKKING. hahahha. We had to wake up at 7 but we didn't care much because there are too many hot topics to talk about. SO MANY THINGSSS. End up we only get to sleep for barely 4 hours and had to wake up to go hill trekking T__________T My condition was not that good because the killer heels I bought were really killing me all the way and my legs were still aching badly in the morning. Sooooo, with the poor stamina I always had, it was lower on that morning T_TWhen we reached there, Mun's mom and her sisters went up really fast because they go there almost everyday. Olivia ditched us to climb up with them first because I was too slow AHHAHA. Nola actually it's because she goes hill trekking with her dad very often so she's so experienced ok pfft. It was my very first time and lucky Mun Yee was there to support me till the end!!!!! Today, I would like to thank her here in my blog, without her, I wouldn't have climbed until the TOP OF THE HILLLLLL. She was there all the time to motivate me and of course, LIE TO ME. Keep saying, 5 minutes, 5 minutes reach already one, after this path then we're there already. Keep telling me things like this, you came up half way already then you wanna go down now meh, then I asked her whether is it half already cuz I was dying in painnnnnn... she said it was just quater of it WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFNESS. I wanted to go down already that time but she keep pulling me T_T ahahha
There's a video of us to show you all how happy were we =D (and how they complained about me hmph) There's still 2 more I'm still thinking whether wanna post it up anot cuz it's a bit crazy , I don't wanna show you all our craziness hahhaha and not forgetting I don't wanna show how ridiculous I looked that time sweating and all.. I couldn't look anymore ridiculous T_____T
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