20 People
1. Gary
2. Mom
3. Ya Yen
4. Mun Yee
5. Sylvia
6. Keongy
7. Ken Vin
8. Brenda
9. Sookie
10. Joon Chian
11. Sachie
12. Shirley
13. Alia
14. Li Tim
15. Arthur
16. Shoma
17. Yau
18. Malcolm
19. Alfred
20. Marcus
How did u meet #14? [Li Tim]
By Jess. ahaha. He's my daddy and Jess WAS my mommy.
What would your life be if u havent met #1? [Gary]
Owh. I may still being a girlfriend who doesn't get love and caring from her unloyal ex boyfriend. and I wouldn't feel how lucky and grateful I am to have a boyfriend like him. love you baby!
What would u do if #20 and #9 dated? [Marcus , Sookie]
ahahaha. I dunno. and they don't even know each other and Sookie has her Nick already. So what would I do if they're dating? I think Nick will do something to Marc first before i do. ahaha!
Will #6 and #17 make a good couple? [Keongy , Yau]
Ahahahaha. Ask them!
Describe #3. [Ya Yen]
Pretty and cute. Smart and intelligent. Funny and sweet. My very best soul-mate and we share secrets.
Do you think #6 is attractive? [Keongy]
He is attractive when he spends me breakfast and delivers them. hahaha!
Tell me something about #8. [Brenda]
oh, she's my songs producer also known as my favourite sis! A very sweet year 6 chick.
Do you know anything about #12s family? [Shirley]
Yes of course! She has a very cute and chubby small little sister! i mean, VERY CUTE! and she has a handsome brother too.
What is #7s favourite? [Ken Vin]
Me of course. hahaha! dont you say no. I would stop sending you songs and provides you piano scores.
What would you do if #11 confesses that he/she likes you? [Sachie]
Woops. she had confessed about it so many 34567232493948 years ago already. *shys* ahahah!
What language does #15 speak? [Arthur]
English, Cantonese and Mandarin
Whos #9 going out with? [Sookie]
Hohoho. Nick Siau la who else.
How old is #16? [Shoma]
18 years old.
When was the last time you talked to #13? [Jess]
Thousand million years ago. ahaha joking. just yesterday night. she asked me for a breakfast.
Whos #2s favourite singer? [Mom]
ahahaha. MY lee hom and MY jay chou lorh. she likes Rain also omg
Would you date #4? [Mun Yee]
Yerrrrrrr. noooooo! i don't like cockroach smell. ahahaha!
Would you date #7? [Ken Vin]
nah. he's too guai guai chai and I already have my lou gong chai. ahahahha!
Is #15 single? [Arthur]
I don't think soooooooooooooooo. *wink wink*
What is #10s last name? [Joon Chian]
Chian! Wong Joon Chian the pig!
Would you consider being in a relationship with #19? [Alfred]
noooo. Him and I already taken by someone LUCKY. =3
What schools did #3 go to? [Ya Yen]
some government school named chung kwok.
Where does #6 live? [Keongy]
near Mines Resort. He is Estella's neighbour omg! so unfair =(
What is your favourite thing about #5? [Sylvia]
She's very helpful and I love when she's hanging out with me but nowadays seldom already because of her prefect thing. gah
What do you think about #13? [Alia]
She takes professional pictures as known as a certified cam-whore.
What do #4 and #19 have in common? [Mun Yee , Alfred]
Good question. haha they're good in latin dance!
What special qualities does #17 hold in your life? [Yau]
Just a normal friends. He holds a special quanlities before in my life.
What is the most memorable memory you had with #18? [Malcolm]
Hmmmm. memorable? I remember there was one time, before exams, he tutored me in the classroom and we got chased out by the security guards of the school building. omg it was the MOST memorable memory i had with him lol.
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