Saturday, October 24, 2009

Group Study

I went to Starbucks to have group study session with the guy darlings one fine day. The girl darlings don't wanna layan us. =S hehe We didn't take any picture there because we were too serious studying wtf. Hahhaha I never seen them so serious in my life before! Really one! Next time must take a picture/video of them studying hahahah. I'm like their tuition teacher/dictionary. T_T And I realised even I'm in science stream I don't know some of the science things they study in art stream one FML

After that, we went for a movie, Cloudy with a chance of Meat Balls. Hahaha. I never watched animation for so long already! Guess who wanted to watch it! Vincent Liew Kah Chun. Still small ah you. Haha but it was a nice movie! After the movie..... we were all hungry and craving for...


Vincent and his meatball spaghetti!

Bernard with his meatball spaghetti! Happy happy!

Alex with his baked Fish Spaghetti. (Special case)

Me and my baked meatball spaghetti! I didn't have a nice picture because of that retarded Vincent!! (angry) Keep disturbing me when I was taking picture /slaps! Make me so angry and no mood to take picture anymore! But guess what he did to make me smile back later..

AHHAHAHHA he said sorry and gave me this smiley spaghetti. HAHAHAHA sooo cute & funny! (and ugly too)! Of course I can't hold back my anger anymore and laughed. Urghhh. (Nemai I let you win this time!!!) But it's very hard to get angry of him one! I wanted take revenge of posting ugly video of him but... I'll let him go this time. Teehee. Maybe next time when he pisses me off!

After lunch, Vincent and Bernard went back and left Alex and I there doing something special for the girl darling's birthday present. Hehehe they'll be the happiest girl on monday! Who wants to bet? =)

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