Thursday, December 04, 2008

Tagged by Kenny

1. Do you have a secret?

Who doesn't?

2. Would you fall in love with a girl younger than you?
A guy you mean. I don't know! But I don't think so! Most probably not.

3. Do you enjoy going to school?
Apart from all the drama thing happens, yes I do enjoy school. =)

4. What will you do with a billion dolar?
I don't know where to start. Hahahhahah First I will bring my mom everywhere and buy her whatever she wants. (Although she doesn't do that to me all the time!) Then only get mine. Then adopt a few kids. Then buy a house with a big garden and pool. Then donate some to the charity. AND THEN KEEP THE REST OF THEM. =D

5. Which is more blessed, being loved by someone or loving someone?
Both. You will need both of them to feel blessed. Rawr.

6. Will you fall in love with your best friends?
Hahaha. I can't confirm. But most of them are like brothers to me. Brotherly love. You know? HAHAHA.

7. What do you think it's special?
Kyean is special! =3

8. If the person you really liked is attached, what will you do?
I think I will try to get over him as soon as possible I guess.

9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
Yes. FOOD. =3

10. Do you have any regrets?
Yes! For not studying AT ALL this whole holiday spending all my time on the laptop and piano AND NOT EXERCISING AT ALL. Sighhhhh. I broke my own promise T__T

11. How would you like to see yourself in 10 years time?
A good mother and wife HAHAHAHHAHA. No la I won't get married so fast I hope? HAHAHa I hope!! Let's see what I will be in 10 years time.

12. Who is the current most important to you?
Mommy is always the most important person for me. But the rest of you are also important to me! Because without you guys, there's no me today! *wipe tears away*

13. What kind of the person who you think the person tagged you is?
A Mr Nice Guy. =D

14. Would you rather to be single and rich or married and poor?
Single and rich hohoho. I don't want my kids to suffer!

15. What is your favourite colour?
Every colour except the dull ones.

16. Would you give all in a relationship?
I always do. But they didn't appreciate it as much as I do.

17. If you fall in love with two people simuitaneously, who would you pick?
Urghhhh. Depends who I can get along more in personality and attitude wise? =D

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
Hahhaha. Noooo. I will forget but I don't forgive. Special huh?

19. Do you prefer to be single or in relationship?
Both have pros and cons. So, Wait until I meet my Mr Perfect. =D

I hereby tag:
All the links in my blog. =D

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