Friday, January 04, 2008

Guess who I saw today.


Quite nice leh this song. I didn't really like local singers but it's different this time. The MV ending is really sad! Almost cried! Sigh sigh. =( and and the girl not really pretty though. No offence!

I removed my mole today at Dr Ting's clinic after school. It's in Imbi. Got so many people I tell you. Especially those aunties tai tais, all go there for botox omgwtfbbq. Mom and I waited for 3 hours in the clinic just to remove that stupid mole! I don't know since when it popped out too!!! Just suddenly... weird stuff. back to the 3 hours story... Mom was so mad and I felt so restless in there doing nothing. =( I don't understand why got so many people there one. Sigh sigh sigh. BTW, NICK CHUNG WAS THERE TOO. I didn't know what's his name at first until I come back home and checked online. Tee hee. He's quite cute! He was holding a big magazine to cover his face... hahaha. I think he was quite happy that I noticed him! My mom said local singers kinda desperate of this kinda thing one.. They'll be very friendly when you ask for their signature or pictures and stuff. I laughed my ass out. Too bad I didn't take a picture with him cuz after the operation there's a small plaster on my face... take also not nice. Yeeeeeeeeee.

That operation was terribleeeeeeeeeeeeee horrible vegetable!! I nearly cried in there.. Normally I'm not scared of injection or I don't think it's really hurts but THIS TIME WAS ******** PAIN ALRIGHT!! Seriouslyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I sweared in my heart so badly. hahahaha. The doctor use laser light to laser it out. Scary enough right. And I was awake looking at it! Now that's suck. T_____T

Noticed that small mole on my chin? Yes, that was it and it cost my mom 180 bucks. =S
and yes again, that's baby Chloe! So cute! <3 *pinches*

Today was kinda fun in school!! Pn Rokiah is kinda annoying sometimes with her smelly questions! =( Then knew 2 korean guys, Yun Jae and.. I forgotten what woo.. I was saying Sang Woo. Kwon Sang Woo!! hahahaa. hot stuffs. MALCOLM GOT NEW FRIEND ALREADY IF WE ASK HIM OUT. HE DOESN'T WANT US TO CALL HIM GIRLFRIEND ANYMORE. HE SCARED ALL HIS *GIRLFRIENDS* CEKIK US. Wtf wtf Like he have one only! *Yeah he actually do* *winks omg I'm not gonna say anything about it cough cough* Back to korean guys! You know Chea is the bad ass!! Kae is dog in korean actually!! I don't want Kae Yeon anymore!!! hahaha. Yun Jae translated my name and my girlfriends name (besides MALCOLM) in korean too! Fun fun fun! We go hang out for korean food one day together okay? =p =p =p

Bye readers! Come to my blog more often lah! You know after school reopens my blog readership went so low. Please come everyday lah okay! I will update one! T-T

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