Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year Babes!!!

I started my first day of this year when I woke up this morning on yayen's bed! It seems like everything will flow very nicely and special this whole year and I hope it will. 2007 was the most happiest year I had in my whole life and I hope 2008 will be a better one!! I'll try to improve myself in many ways such as attitude, personality, appearances, studiess and so much more!!!!

Too bad, I'm still as crazy as before! Tee hee. =D

I ended my year 2007 with my closest friends - Ya Yen, Malcolm and Joshep! It was way toooo sweet than what I thought it'll be like!! We went to the Lover's Hills (according to Mr Ng Sze Cun aka Malcolm) to celebrate our last minutes of the year! It's somewhere very near Malcolm's house, so after we finished watching the fireworks, we went to his house for a drink while waiting for YY's mom. =D At last, I overnighted at my dear cha gia house on the new yearrrr!!! It was sooooooo fun and wild last night!! ( I sound like we had sex but too bad we did not) SOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!! We were chit-chatting with each other and make funny jokes on the bed till we sleep! Wish we could do it again and again every single year alrights!!

Went to her house to have dinner first before going to meet the guys!

So what we do is, SEE HER BABY'S PICTURE!!! hahahhaa. so cute la omg.

Guess who I saw!!! *ahems* *Mou chuan* *cough cough* ahahhahaha. DOUBLE CUTE!! hahaha don't kill me or ya yen if you see this MC!!

And and make-up! Haha too bad I didn't take yy while she was doing her make up!

Lover's Hills.

Was fooling around at the playground XD

Moi. =3

The cha gias Love. <3 Muacks!

Lover's in Malaysia #1

Lover's in Malaysia #2.

Hahahahhaa. Just joking! We're still single and available. =)

Looking at the fireworks!

It was so sweaty I tell you! Urghhh. and our fireworks view wasn't pretty enough due to the stupid trees on the hills! Feel like cutting all of them that time but but environment is getting hotter and hotter nowadays so.. we were being good boys and good girls and did not cut down the blardy trees. =D And we were like so far away to see the fireworks!! The fireworks were way too small for us to enjoy at the top of the hills! Next time we go KlCC kay guys! Xoxo

You see the fireworks from KLCC!! So beautiful whereas our's was like so kecil miao. ( I learnt it from my baby cousins) T-T

We had been to Malcolm's room!!

Good night everyone! Have a wonderful year 2008!!
Happy new year dear fellas!

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